Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Timing is everything.

While discussing job prospects, or lack thereof, with a coworker yesterday, he came up with an excellent point - this may be the single worst time since the Great Depression to try to look for a job. My attitude with this stuff (the market/general economy) is generally of the wait and see variety, but even I think it's looking pretty bad. I feel like the media tends to make it out a little bigger than it actually is sometimes, but when Bernanke and Paulson start warning of the end times, I get worried. Interestingly enough this economic downturn may be the final thrust Obama needs to win the office of the presidency. It's interesting to think that we'll look back about the last month and the next two as maybe some of the most extraodrinary times of our lives.

Anyways, back to trying to find a job. I have sent out something like 15 job applications. Until last night, I had not received anything more than an automated response thanking me for my interest. Two nights ago while perusing I stumbled across and interest job posting. It was from an investment company that was looking for non-traditional banking and finance people. The posting was quite quirky and light-hearted, piquing my interest. Having been pretty frustrated up til then/now, I decided to do something semi-ridiculous. It seemed as though they were looking for people who think "outside the box" as they say. Well, I figured I would produce an outside the box app.

The first thing that popped into my head was a college essay I remembered hearing about when applying to universities. It was by a medicore student who was trying to get into some schools beyond his reach. It asked him some generic question like "what is your greatest talent?" He then went on a diatribe about how he was master of all creation and such, but in a very tongue-in-cheek way. I figured my best shot at getting someone's attention at this place would be something similar. So...I decided to write a cover letter in rhyming couplets. I have pasted the cover letter below for your enjoyment. It's ridiculous. And what's more, the rhyming couplets aren't even as ridiculous as the ending.

Two days later I got an email from one of their HR people asking me to fill out another form and produce a writing sample. Needless to say, I am absolutely thrilled. I still have almost not expectations of getting a job, but just receiving human contact is a minor victory. For anyone interested, the job is as a generalist associate with D.E. Shaw and Corp. I'll save you the time of wikipediaing it and tell you - it's an investment firm/hedge fund. Indeed during our "once in a century" economic crisis, my best job lead is with an investment firm.

Please enjoy the ridiculousness of the cover letter below. It won't show up here, but I footnoted the part about the Rhodes/Fulbright scholars to their wikipedia page. Thought that would give them a laugh.


My name is Jason, please find my resume attached for consideration;

I am in search for a job and am applying to your esteemed corporation.

I am a 24-year-old graduate of journalism and international relations;

Currently working and living in Shanghai for the duration.

While searching Mediabistro the other day;

I stumbled upon a job opening for “competitive” pay.

But this job posting wasn’t like the rest;

It had some zing, some pep, ‘twas one of the best.

I’m a hard worker, eager and young;

Just a kid looking to learn and have fun.

While I’m not a Rhodes, Marshall, or Fulbright Scholar;1

I can promise I’m bright as a silver dollar.

My interests include economics, sports and politics;

And just occasionally I dabble in ethics.

I’m a thinker, a lover, a laugher and a fighter;

But more than any of those I’m really just a writer.

I have experience and education amongst the best;

References and clips provided on request.

Perhaps I’m barking up the wrong tree;

If so, I apologize for idling thee.

Thanks again and I wish you the best of luck;

And if I’m not in consideration, well…..f*#k.



P.S. My resume is not in rhyming verse. I promise.

1 comment:

Ben Fineman said...

awesome. reminds me of ray's college essay about how he was writing while wearing underwear on his head.

i'm not sure if that's a good thing for you...