Monday, September 8, 2008

Job hunting from the other side of the Earth

The four of you who read this blog probably know that I've been applying to jobs pretty consistently over the last three or four weeks. You also probably know that I have not only been thus far unsuccessful - I've been incredibly, amazingly, gut-wrenchingly, Tom Brady 2008 season unsuccessful.

I guess I fooled myself into believing I was more talented and/or useful than I actually am. I certainly thought that after getting a masters in IR that my resume would be well rounded. You can make a fine argument that it is. Like most applicants, the only real hole in my resume is experience. Most decent jobs seem to require 3-5 years of "experience."

Now, if you'll allow me to bitch for a while. Where is this wealth of people with 3-5 years of experience?? Am I unaware of a sudden population boom in 1980 that has resulted in a plethora of 28 yr old people who have been working since they graduated college? Additionally, unless you're a place that legitimately gets a ton of apps for their jobs (like the UN, which can consider itself not a part of this rant), write me an effing email back to tell me that they at least read my resume. I'm pretty sure at this point it's either hitting a spam filter or circulated around the office for amusement.

On the upside, my friend/psuedo boss at the SBR is going to sit down with the Shanghai Bureau Chief of Reuters. I'm very happy for him and hope he gets it. However, for this post, let us ask the question of how he got this meeting? ... He knew a guy who knew a guy. That's life and it doesnt really tend to bother me except for one thing - I hate asking people for favors job wise. It makes me feel like Oliver Twist begging to someone infintely bigger and wiser, hoping that they aren't going to smack you and take away your remaining gruel.

I guess, as they say, it's always darkest before the dawn and you're always one app away from getting a job. But what bothers me most is that I haven't even gotten a rejection letter. I have been deemed not qualified enough to receive a message saying "we don't want you for this job." After spending 6 years and more money than I'll make before im 35 on higher education, it's infuriating, terrifying, frustrating, etc. It's pretty much every emotion that is not positive.

Fortunately I can still fall back on my degree in ........COMMUNICATIONS?!?!?!

(Simpson's quote....anybody??)

Edit -

That's it. You people have stood in my way long enough. I'm going to clown college!

(Another Simpson's quote....anybody?!?!)

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