Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The suspense is killing me.

So I didn't get that last job. I tried not to get my hopes up, but I did, and was summarily crushed by the disappointment that I knew was inevitable. I guess I'm back to square one job search wise, which is perhaps scarier now than when I started. As one of my co-workers here would say, it is what it is.

Or so I thought. That was until I got a call at 130 am from time.com. I had applied to an internship there about a week or so ago that I had more or less forgotten about. Now I have a phone interview with them scheduled for sometime later this week. It's not a job persay, but a paid internship through sometime in December. It is, however, a paid position with gd time.com at their offices in nyc helping out with the election. Not too shabby.

Again, I'm attempting not to get excited about this, but I'm sure I will (I already have). It is however cool to think that in 10 days I could be living temporarily in nyc and doing this internship. I'm sure my chances are still slim, but who knows.

I'm not good with gigantic swings in fortune. They mess with my head something awful. A few hours ago I was very seriously worried about the near future. Now I'm wondering if I should pack some of my stuff up just in case. I really hope I find out much sooner than later because I know I'm going to worry myself sick about this stuff over the next week or so. Therefore, if any of you who read this blog (basically Fineman) end up talking to me, please excuse my manic nature.

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